Объявление Новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER продано и не участвует в поиске!
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новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER
новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER
новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER изображение 2
новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER изображение 3
Марка:  Agrocosan
Тип:  грабли ворошилки
Год выпуска:  2024
Место расположения:  Турция Karatay - Konya8873 км от вас
Дата размещения:  16 нояб. 2024 г.
Agronetto ID:  MY32177
Состояние:  новый
Дополнительная информация
Цвет:  красный

Дополнительная информация — Новое грабли ворошилки Agrocosan ROTARY WINDROWER

Rotary Hay Rake is easily adaptable to each type of tractor by its three point linkage system. It provides a lot of time and labor saving.
It offers an excellent performance on each kind of fields and it helps farmers to make work easier than previous.
Rotary Hay Rake is used for separating the green herb over the field to ventilate them to dry in a short time.
It can be used to collect the cut plant stalks together to put this in a standard row and by this way the plant stalks returns to te economy and obtains extra gain.
Rotary Hay Rake is easily adaptable to each type of tractor by its three point linkage system. It provides a lot of time and labor saving.
It offers an excellent performance on each kind of fields and it helps farmers to make work easier than previous.
Rotary Hay Rake is used for separating the green herb over the field to ventilate them to dry in a short time.
It can be used to collect the cut plant stalks together to put this in a standard row and by this way the plant stalks returns to te economy and obtains extra gain.