Объявление Продам тентовый ангар Plasthall / Storage с аукциона продано и не участвует в поиске!
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тентовый ангар Plasthall / Storage
тентовый ангар Plasthall / Storage
тентовый ангар Plasthall / Storage изображение 2
Место расположения:  Норвегия Levanger
Дата размещения:  более 1 месяца
Agronetto ID:  QR43578
Аукцион:  1
Дата проведения:  2024-12-06 15:00
Дата окончания:  2024-12-16 11:00
Состояние:  б/у

Дополнительная информация — Тентовый ангар Plasthall / Storage

Important sales information
Seller information
Auksjonen håndteres av logistkkpartner, på vegne av Bane NOR.
Spørsmål rettes til Amir på +47 998 83 003 i kontortid, eller mail as@retrade.eu
Objektene selges som de står.
Henting avtales minimum 1 dag på forhånd.
This auction is handled by logistics partner on behalf of Bane NOR.
If questions please contact Amir, + 47 998 83 003 (office hours) or mail as@retrade.eu
All items are sold AS IS.
Collections must be agreed on min 1 day ahead.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Seller / Auction broker: Bane NOR
Location: Levanger, Norway
Plasthall har NTA/BTA:194,03/206,00
Det er en port 2,5m*3 mh
se bilder
Bygget må demonteres og fjernes av kjøper
Bygget blir tømt før overlevering/demontering
Plasthall has NTA/BTA:194.03/206.00
There is a gate 2.5m*3 mh
see pictures
The building must be dismantled and removed by the buyer
The building will be emptied before handover/dismantling
Тентовые ангары
Найдено: 76 объявлений