Brăzdar Coulter double disc Green Plains PRO pentru semănătoare mecanică

brăzdar Coulter double disc Green Plains PRO pentru semănătoare mecanică
brăzdar Coulter double disc Green Plains PRO pentru semănătoare mecanică
brăzdar Coulter double disc Green Plains PRO pentru semănătoare mecanică imagine 2
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Tip: brăzdar
Locul de amplasare: Ucraina m.Dnipro8446 km față de tine
Numărul ID din stocul vânzătorului: 8017
Data publicării: mai mult de o lună
Stare: nou

Informaţie suplimentară — Brăzdar Coulter double disc Green Plains PRO pentru semănătoare mecanică

Coulter double disc "Green Plains" PRO with one spring
It is intended for use in seeders for direct sowing, as well as for work using mini-till and no-till technology.
Standard on GreenPlains seed drills, the double disc openers consist of a pair of robust 4 mm wide discs that are offset from each other to form the seedbed efficiently. The discs are protected by the design of the coulter frame - a casing is installed in front.
Thanks to its so-called. The "pendulum" mounting design and the coulter pressure spring installed on it ensures the repetition of the field surface topography and the stability of the sowing depth in various types of soil.
It has a system of two separated tubes - seeds and fertilizers.
After the sowing part of the coulter, there is a knurled wheel according to the Chicken-Tracker principle.
The T-handle allows you to adjust the working depth by setting it to one of 19 positions.
Length, mm ...................................................... 1417
Width, mm ........................................................ 160
Height, mm ....................................................... 747
Ground pressure force, kg ............................... 40-120
Seeding strip width, mm ................................... 18
Wheel Chiсken-Tracker, mm ............................ 330
Disc diameter, mm ............................................ 343 (13.5″)
Seeding depth, max mm .................................. 80
Coulter travel for terrain copying, mm .............. 150
Installation on the frame of the seeder beam ... 150x150
Coulter weight, kg ............................................. 44
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